Balancing Yin and Yang with Crystals

Balancing Yin and Yang with Crystals

The yin and yang energies are two opposing yet complementary forces that exist in all things, including the human body. Yin energy is associated with femininity, receptivity, and darkness, while yang energy is associated with masculinity, activity, and light.
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How do you wear a mala necklace?

How do you wear a mala necklace?

There are several ways to wear a mala necklace, depending on personal preference and the intended use of the mala. Here are a few common ways to wear a mala:
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Is it ok to wear mala beads?

Is it ok to wear mala beads?

Yes, it is okay to wear mala beads as a fashion accessory or as a reminder of personal intentions or goals. 
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Mala Bead Meditation

How to meditate with a Mala Necklace

Use your mala necklace to practice this simple meditation. 

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