Crystal Gemstone Guide

Rose Quartz

  • Promotes emotional healing: Rose quartz is known as the stone of love and compassion. It is believed to promote emotional healing and can help soothe negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and grief. The crystal is thought to help increase feelings of self-love, self-esteem, and forgiveness.
  • Enhances relationships: Rose quartz is also believed to enhance relationships and attract love into your life. It is often used in love spells and rituals to promote harmony and strengthen relationships. It is thought to help open the heart chakra, which is associated with love and relationships.
  • Improves physical health: Rose quartz is believed to have physical healing properties as well. It is thought to improve circulation, boost the immune system, and help with skin issues such as acne and wrinkles. It is also believed to have a calming effect on the body and can help reduce stress and tension.



  • Promotes relaxation and stress relief: Amethyst is known for its calming properties and is often used as a stress-relieving stone. It is believed to help promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and soothe the mind and body. It is also thought to help alleviate insomnia and promote better sleep.
  • Enhances intuition and spiritual awareness: Amethyst is associated with the third eye and crown chakras, which are believed to be associated with intuition and spiritual awareness. It is believed to help enhance spiritual awareness, promote intuition, and deepen meditation practices.
  • Helps with physical health: Amethyst is believed to have physical healing properties as well. It is thought to help with issues related to the immune system, respiratory system, and circulatory system. It is also believed to help alleviate pain and inflammation, and can be used as a natural remedy for headaches and migraines.

Black Onyx

Black Onyx

  • Provides protection: Black onyx is believed to provide protection against negative energy, psychic attacks, and emotional stress. It is often used as a grounding stone to help keep you focused and centered. It is also believed to help prevent the drain of personal energy by absorbing and transforming negative energy.
  • Enhances focus and concentration: Black onyx is thought to enhance mental focus and concentration, making it a popular stone for students and professionals. It is believed to help improve memory, increase mental clarity, and promote better decision-making skills.
  • Promotes physical health: Black onyx is believed to have physical healing properties as well. It is thought to help with issues related to the teeth, bones, and blood. It is also believed to help with skin issues such as acne and can help regulate the body's metabolism. Additionally, black onyx is thought to be a powerful aid for those recovering from addiction or other destructive habits.



  • Promotes emotional healing: Rhodonite is known as the "rescue stone" as it is believed to help with emotional healing and reduce emotional stress. It is believed to promote forgiveness, compassion, and self-love, making it a powerful tool for those struggling with heartbreak, grief, or other emotional issues.
  • Helps with physical healing: Rhodonite is also believed to have physical healing properties. It is thought to help with issues related to the respiratory system, heart, and blood pressure. It is also believed to help alleviate inflammation and promote the healing of wounds and scars.
  • Enhances spiritual growth: Rhodonite is associated with the heart and root chakras, which are believed to be associated with spiritual growth and grounding. It is believed to help enhance spiritual growth, promote inner peace, and connect you with your higher self. It can also help with manifestation and bring abundance into your life.



  • Promotes emotional balance and stability: Moonstone is known for its calming and soothing properties. It is believed to help promote emotional balance and stability, reduce anxiety and stress, and improve emotional intelligence. It is also thought to help with mood swings and hormone imbalances.
  • Enhances intuition and spiritual awareness: Moonstone is associated with the third eye and crown chakras, which are believed to be associated with intuition and spiritual awareness. It is believed to help enhance intuition, promote psychic abilities, and deepen meditation practices. It is also thought to help with lucid dreaming and promote a connection with the divine feminine.
  • Helps with physical health: Moonstone is believed to have physical healing properties as well. It is thought to help with issues related to the reproductive system, digestive system, and lymphatic system. It is also believed to help with skin issues such as acne and can be used to relieve menstrual cramps and PMS symptoms.



  • Promotes abundance and prosperity: Aventurine is known as the stone of opportunity and is believed to attract luck, success, and abundance. It is often used in manifestation practices to help you achieve your goals and attract wealth and prosperity into your life.
  • Enhances emotional well-being: Aventurine is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and body, reducing anxiety, and promoting emotional stability. It is also thought to help with emotional healing, promoting forgiveness and compassion, and enhancing self-confidence and self-esteem.
  • Helps with physical healing: Aventurine is believed to have physical healing properties as well. It is thought to help with issues related to the heart, lungs, and circulatory system. It is also believed to help with skin issues such as acne and can be used to relieve migraines and soothe the nervous system.



  • Promotes calmness and relaxation: Howlite is known for its calming properties and is often used as a stress-relieving stone. It is believed to help promote calmness, reduce anxiety, and soothe the mind and body. It is also thought to help alleviate insomnia and promote better sleep.
  • Enhances communication and self-expression: Howlite is associated with the throat chakra, which is believed to be associated with communication and self-expression. It is believed to help enhance communication skills, promote self-expression, and improve public speaking abilities.
  • Helps with spiritual growth: Howlite is believed to have spiritual healing properties as well. It is thought to help with meditation and spiritual development, promoting a deeper connection with your higher self and the divine. It can also help with past-life healing and the release of negative energy patterns.



  • Promotes grounding and stability: Jasper is known for its grounding properties and is often used to promote stability and balance in the mind and body. It is believed to help alleviate stress, anxiety, and negative emotions, and promote a sense of calmness and stability.
  • Enhances physical health: Jasper is believed to have physical healing properties as well. It is thought to help with issues related to the digestive system, circulatory system, and immune system. It is also believed to help alleviate physical pain and promote physical strength and endurance.
  • Helps with spiritual growth: Jasper is believed to have spiritual healing properties as well. It is thought to help with meditation and spiritual development, promoting a deeper connection with the earth and the divine. It can also help with astral travel and the release of negative energy patterns.



  • Promotes balance and harmony: Agate is known for its balancing properties and is often used to promote harmony in the mind and body. It is believed to help alleviate stress and anxiety, promote emotional stability, and enhance mental focus and concentration.
  • Enhances physical health: Agate is believed to have physical healing properties as well. It is thought to help with issues related to the digestive system, circulatory system, and immune system. It is also believed to help alleviate physical pain and promote physical strength and endurance.
  • Helps with spiritual growth: Agate is believed to have spiritual healing properties as well. It is thought to help with meditation and spiritual development, promoting a deeper connection with the earth and the divine. It can also help with astral travel and the release of negative energy patterns. Additionally, agate is believed to help open the third eye chakra and enhance psychic abilities.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

  • Enhances intuition and spiritual awareness: Lapis lazuli is associated with the third eye and throat chakras, which are believed to be associated with intuition, communication, and spiritual awareness. It is believed to help enhance intuition, promote psychic abilities, and deepen meditation practices. It is also thought to help with spiritual growth and the awakening of the third eye.
  • Promotes emotional healing and stress relief: Lapis lazuli is known for its calming and soothing properties. It is believed to help alleviate anxiety and stress, promote emotional healing and inner peace, and enhance self-awareness and self-expression. It is also thought to help with issues related to depression and mental health.
  • Enhances physical health: Lapis lazuli is believed to have physical healing properties as well. It is thought to help with issues related to the respiratory system, digestive system, and immune system. It is also believed to help with issues related to the throat, neck, and thyroid gland.



  • Promotes spiritual awareness and connection: Turquoise is associated with the throat and heart chakras, which are believed to be associated with communication, love, and spiritual awareness. It is believed to help enhance spiritual connection, promote inner peace and serenity, and deepen meditation practices.
  • Enhances emotional healing and stress relief: Turquoise is known for its calming and soothing properties. It is believed to help alleviate anxiety and stress, promote emotional healing and inner peace, and enhance self-awareness and self-expression. It is also thought to help with issues related to depression and mental health.
  • Enhances physical health: Turquoise is believed to have physical healing properties as well. It is thought to help with issues related to the respiratory system, digestive system, and immune system. It is also believed to help with issues related to the throat, neck, and thyroid gland. Additionally, turquoise is thought to have detoxifying properties and promote healthy skin and hair.

seven chakra

Seven Chakra Mala

  • Balances and aligns chakras: Wearing a seven chakra Mala Necklace is believed to help balance and align the seven chakras, which are energy centers in the body. Each crystal in the Mala Necklace corresponds to a specific chakra, and wearing the Mala Necklace is thought to help restore balance and harmony to these energy centers, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
  • Enhances energy flow: Wearing a 7 chakra Mala Necklace is believed to help enhance the flow of energy throughout the body. The crystals in the Mala Necklace are thought to help remove blockages and promote the healthy flow of energy, which can help boost vitality, reduce fatigue, and enhance overall physical health.
  • Promotes mindfulness and intention setting: Wearing a 7 chakra Mala Necklace can serve as a reminder to stay mindful and set positive intentions throughout the day. Each crystal in the Mala Necklace represents a different quality or aspect of life, such as love, creativity, or intuition. Wearing the Mala Necklace can help promote awareness of these qualities and encourage the wearer to focus on cultivating positive energy and intention in their daily life.



  • Spiritual and emotional well-being: Rudraksha is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions, and to promote spiritual growth and awareness. It is often used in meditation and prayer to help connect with higher states of consciousness and inner peace.
  • Physical health: In some traditional systems of medicine, such as Ayurveda, rudraksha is believed to have healing properties and is used to treat a variety of physical ailments, including hypertension, insomnia, and digestive issues.
  • Protection: Rudraksha is sometimes worn as a protective amulet or talisman, believed to shield the wearer from negative energy and promote good luck and prosperity. It is also believed to enhance the wearer's aura and energy field, providing an additional layer of protection from harmful influences.


  • Aromatherapy: Sandalwood oil has a distinct, pleasant aroma that is used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. Inhaling sandalwood oil or using it in a diffuser can help calm the mind and promote feelings of well-being.
  • Skincare: Sandalwood has anti-inflammatory properties that make it useful in treating a variety of skin conditions, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis. It is also a natural astringent, which means it can help tighten and firm the skin, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Spiritual and emotional well-being: Sandalwood has been used in spiritual and religious practices for centuries, and is believed to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions. It is often used in meditation and prayer to help promote a sense of inner peace and connection to the divine. Additionally, sandalwood is believed to promote positive energy and to help purify the aura



  • Energy and vitality: Pyrite is believed to promote vitality, energy, and stamina. It is often used in crystal healing to help boost the immune system and to provide a sense of physical and emotional well-being. Pyrite is also believed to stimulate the flow of chi or life force energy throughout the body.
  • Wealth and abundance: Pyrite is sometimes called the "stone of abundance" because it is believed to attract wealth and prosperity. It is often used in Feng Shui and other practices to attract abundance and success, and is sometimes carried as a good luck charm.
  • Mental clarity and focus: Pyrite is believed to promote mental clarity and focus, helping to enhance memory and concentration. It is often used in meditation to promote mental discipline and to help bring a sense of order and structure to one's thoughts. Pyrite is also believed to help with decision-making and problem-solving by providing a clear and objective perspective.




  • Calming and soothing: Aquamarine is believed to have a calming and soothing effect on the emotions, helping to reduce stress, anxiety, and tension. It is often used in meditation to promote a sense of peace and tranquility, and to help balance the emotions.
  • Communication and self-expression: Aquamarine is believed to enhance communication skills and to promote self-expression. It is often used in public speaking and other forms of communication to help the speaker express themselves clearly and effectively. Aquamarine is also believed to enhance creativity and to help with artistic expression.
  • Physical healing: Aquamarine is associated with a number of physical healing properties, including its ability to support the immune system, improve digestion, and reduce inflammation. It is also believed to be helpful in treating a variety of respiratory conditions, including asthma and allergies. Additionally, aquamarine is believed to promote healthy skin and to support the health of the eyes and ears.

Tiger Eye

Tiger Eye

  • Protection and grounding: Tiger eye is believed to have a grounding effect on the body and to help protect against negative energies. It is often used in spiritual and energy healing practices to help ground the body and promote a sense of safety and security. Tiger eye is also believed to help strengthen the aura and to provide a shield against negative energy.
  • Confidence and self-esteem: Tiger eye is believed to enhance confidence and self-esteem, helping the wearer to feel more self-assured and empowered. It is often used in meditation to promote a sense of inner strength and courage, and to help overcome fears and self-doubt.
  • Mental clarity and focus: Tiger eye is believed to promote mental clarity and focus, helping to enhance memory and concentration. It is often used in business and academic settings to help with decision-making and problem-solving, and to promote a sense of clarity and organization. Tiger eye is also believed to help balance the yin-yang energy within the body, promoting a sense of harmony and balance.